My short version of Genesis

Adam and the gods
The significance of the Sumerian civilization and its achievements, which are the foundations of the whole of today's western society, can not be denied. If we accept the thesis that they could not get to these achievements, which emerged practically overnight, it is understandable that behind them is the higher intelligence of their "gods", which were later replaced by the later Christian God. It is, therefore, very interesting for us to know how these gods interpreted the origin of our world. All this is precisely enumerated in the Sumerian epic Enuma Elish.
According to the epa, the planet Earth was the object of the Nefili interventions, which during the Ice Age 450,000 years ago initiated the processes for faster development of the planet and the establishment of living conditions on the Earth, and some 300,000 years ago it also accelerated the development of the human being that overnight became a sensible Homo Sapiens.

Science about the solar system
In 1772, the astronomer Bode empirically identified the laws of the orbits of planets. Empirical measurements confirmed his theory. But not without exception: there should be another planet between Mars and Jupiter (this science has not yet been confirmed; in its orbit, astronomers have recently discovered a small Ceres asteroid and then some 3000 smaller asteroids.) And another Saturn (Uranus was discovered only in 1781, and in 1864 by Neptune). Science can not explain these anomalies.
In Sumerian cosmology there is no such "error", since the planet Tiamat (also known as Maldek or Marduk), which was the planet, is completely covered with water, was located between Mars and Jupiter before the Earth was created. Water is, as we know, an essential condition for the development of life. Tiamat is a female element (also called a woman), an element of water and life. The planet from which the Earth was formed (see below) was destroyed during the collision with the great celestial body, and its waters were endowed with numerous planets and asteroids, which is why, thanks to Tiamat, water is by no means a rare occurrence in our solar system.
Astronomical science has not yet corrected some theories which proved to be contrary to the later established facts, which are the result of the study of space with artificial satellites. He can not explain some of the "exotics" in our solar system, the retrograde motion, or the inclination of some celestial bodies, the creation of the Moon ... Take the example of the orbit of Pluto - its eccentricity (17 degrees) is such that it has the shape of an ellipse. Pluto is the only planet that passes through the orbit of another planet, Neptune. The problem is also with the Moon; as found, the structure of Moon's rocks is fundamentally different from the structure of the Earth, so the theory of common origin does not drink water. But there is no other explanation. The moon suffered many races, but we do not know with whom and from when.
Sumerians were able to answer all these questions with convincing answers. Although they did not know astronomical telescopes and instruments. And their knowledge did not grow up on their peer.

Through the Sumerian eyes
Who does not care about how the world came into being - the planet on which we live? The Bible has much to say about this, but the Sumerians knew about this much more. Contrary to biblical Genesis, stories do not begin with the creation of the Earth, but they explain how the whole of our solar system evolved.
Today there is a mountain of literature that compares Mesopotamian texts with biblical stories. If there are a number of confusion in the Bible (many are due to inadequate translations), these are much less in the Sumerian texts. The explanations are surprisingly accurate here and they even come down to such details as the emotions of individual actors.
The Sumerian / Babylonian deity did not finish its work of Creation within six days, but it was listed on six clay plates called Enuma Elish. The cognised explanation of the origin of the world (our planet) is solid, detailed in detail and made convincing, detailing the details that science discovers, some of which confirm, only recently.
Sumerians treated celestial bodies as living beings. Such treatment is still no longer foreign to us today, as it is clear that such a complex creation as the planet (much more complex than a human being) hides the spiritual levels, which we are far from knowing and not understanding. The foundations of everything that exists are spiritual and not material. The material level is the lowest level of manifestation of the spiritual, and it has a spiritual influence on the material undeniable influence.
If we look at celestial bodies as beings with certain characteristics, then physical influences become a reflection of emotional relationships between individual participants. Such a view brings diversity and depth to foreign observers who understand only the interaction of physical forces and geometric relationships. Of course, sometimes it may also be an exaggeration that falls within the domain of human imagination.

The origin of the world
In order to understand the emergence of the Earth, we have to step back a step further. The Mesopotamian story leads us to the very beginning of time.
Initially there were mother and father, Sun (AP.SU - "the one that exists from the beginning") and mother Tiamat ("the creator of life") who gave birth to other planets. The sun was accompanied by Merkur (MUM.MU - "the one who was born"), his messenger. These three were first joined by Mars and Venus (gods Lahm and Laham), then Saturn and Jupiter (gods AN.SHAR and KI.SHAR) and finally the third pair, Uranus and Neptune. Lastly, Pluto (GAGA), which was associated with Saturn, joined everyone. At that time there was neither a spirit nor a hearing about the Earth and the Moon.
The emergent "young family" was constantly "arguing", the orbits of the new planets were unstable and there was mutual harm. The story was later included in the arrival, the outer Marduk planet (or Nibiru, which was drawn closer to the Sun by Neptune, then by Jupiter and Saturn.) Faced with strong gravitational influences, Marduk thus gave birth to four of his satellites and then his third. The orbit turned straight towards Tiamat. Strong gravity, first from Tiamat, ripped out the material, which was formed in 11 Tiamat satellites, among which was the strongest satellite to King. Tiamat Marduk's satellites and caused severe wounds on it. But the battle ended only at the second coming of Marduk (the fifth act of battle) near the Sun when he broke into Tiamat and split it into two parts. One of these parts became the planet Earth , which was thrown into a new orbit and the second Marduk broke into pieces on the next round and created a belt of asteroids. Tiamatin, the former main satellite, King, became Earth's moon satellite, other satellites but they were dispersed and became comets.
The earth's crust suffered various severe injuries and, consequently, is significantly younger than elsewhere in the Pacific Ocean (the Tiamat breakthrough site); a large difference in the age of the continental and oceanic crusts confirms geological research.
The science of the Sumerian story of genesis is not recognized. There are also some authors who claim that Sitchin's claims about the planet Nibiru are on their legs. But for now, the science of theory, which would more appropriately explain a lot of cosmic ignorance, can not be presented.

Creating through the quotation of the Bible
How do you interpret biblical verses with today's understanding of technical possibilities?
According to the Bible, the creation, as the Bible says, is performed by aliens (Nephilim) from the planet Nibiru. There is nothing mystical in it, but it can be explained in a purely rational manner, with interventions that are not impossible for today's level of technological development.
The earth was, after it had received its final shape, a glowing ball of active volcanoes. The sky above it was filled with steam and clouds. When the temperature dropped over the millennia, steam and fog were converted into water and created sea on the surface of the planet. Then a cycle of phases of cooling and warming, ice and warm ages took place. In the end, after one of the ice age, it was suitable for interventions, with which the development could be significantly accelerated.
Nowadays science knows how on a particular planet that proved to be appropriate for life, it is possible to accelerate development and transform it so that living parameters are brought closer to those on Earth.
The initial step is, of course, a careful observation of the events on the planet; Here artificial satellites are the most prominent. Then, with certain interventions, it is possible to initiate processes that enable the transformation of the surface, the improvement of the atmosphere, the regulation of watercourses, etc. Living habitation has a vital effect - initially providing vegetation and plankton, which ensures an increase in oxygen concentration and many other effects. This is followed by the encroachment of individual types of more demanding life in the sea, and then also on land. Blue planners are carefully drawn from the "Cosmic Seed Bank"; use suitable plants and animals from other worlds, which can thrive in the new environment. This skips the whole evolutionary stages and provides much greater diversity of flora and fauna.
As can be seen from the Sumerian records, life on Earth has evolved from life on the Twelfth Planet; so the evolution on Earth had to take place just like there. There was no doubt that there were mutations, variations, acceleration or slowdowns that resulted from different local conditions. But the same genetic code, the same "chemistry of life" found in all plants and animals on Earth, must have led the development of life forms on Earth in the same direction as on the Twelfth Planet.
The undertaking undertaken by the Nephilim on Earth lasted for millennia. The Bible states that the process took place within six days, which of course can not be true. Obviously, this is an inadequate translation - every "day of creation" represented the "age" (geological period), which in fact could last for tens of thousands of years.
The Bible (Hebrew text), the first book, Genesis, begins with the sentence: "In the beginning, Elohim created heaven and earth. And the earth was desolate and empty, and the darkness was over the abyss, and the spirit of Elohim floated over the waters. "Elohim, as Sitchin explains, in Hebrew means" those who came to the earth "-that is the multitude of" gods ". The terms "heaven and earth" refer to the sky and the land on the planet, which the Bible assumes as existing.
"The Spirit of the Elohim, who swam over the waters," were the satellites of the Nephilim with whom they observed the events.
"The light was good" - it means that there was not too much radiation. When the thick layer of clouds disappeared, the sky was clear and it was possible to talk about the right day and night. The creation of land was the result of undersea explosions that lifted the seabed, and the newly created land was then governed by natural processes, and hence mountains and valleys were created. Glaciers and large watercourses also brought their design share.
"The earth propagates the grass and the vegetation that gives birth to seeds ..." refers to the first sowing and planting of vegetation, which on the planet created the first plant life and planet greenery, while at the same time greatly increasing the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. It has probably been necessary beforehand to make domesticization of bacteria and microorganisms on the planet.
All of these processes, of course, were running slowly, but Nefilo for a thousand years does not mean much.

Creation through the eyes of the Nephilim
Bible verse "at the beginning was the word" we can be understood as the command of Anjou to begin cultivating the earth. The main god Anu remained in the sky and watched the events.
The Babylonian version of the Epic of Creation explains that the supreme god Anu decided to send his sons to the planet. After the Sumerian tradition, the ruler of the planet Earth determined his son Enlil, the second son, the god EA, And Enki gained power over the depths / waters. In addition to the gods Enlil and Enki, the goddess Ninhursag / Ninti also played an important role in the whole story. Despite their divine character, they are regarded as natural persons in the epa.
The earth was not envisaged as a short-term base for research, but was supposed to become a permanent "home away from home".
The venture is supposed to start some 450,000 years ago at the end of the Ice Age when about a third of the earth's surface was still under ice. At that time, Nefilov technology enabled space travel, planet transformation, genetic engineering ...
Enki is in the area of ​​the present Mesopotamia, under the Ararat mountain and between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris, where there are also oil deposits (energy resources), with 50 associates, he set up the first camp named by E.R.I.D.U, which means "Home in the distance". The name captured the whole planet and eventually changed into Erde, Earth, Erthe. When we call our planet this way, we unknowingly recall the memory of this first settlement on Earth.
The other name for Earth, used by Sumerians, was "KI". The name EN.KI meant "the Lord of the earth". It has changed over the millennia to GI or GE, and this is supposed to be the origin of the later Greek name Gea.
The first concern of the colonizers were: shallow lakes and water swamps, the cleaning of small rivers and deeds, which should enable buoyancy, drying, clean, drinking water and irrigation.
Enki and his first group of Nefilov performed a difficult pioneer work in preparing basic conditions for staying on the planet and arranging the situation to the point that normal life was possible. Then, after eight sars or 28,800 years (1 3600 years), the real carrier of the mission on Earth came to the scene - Enlil, who descended to Earth as soon as Enki built a special settlement or base for him named Larsa. This was the beginning of a new phase in which a large number of workers, tools and equipment and the return of earthly resources to Nibiru were transported to the Earth.
The second phase was the realization of an important task: the acquisition of gold that Nephily needed to solve the threatened atmosphere of the mother planet. Therefore, in the regions of today's Africa, mines were opened in which their compatriots dug golden ore. Therefore, their number had to be increased.
Enlil had a lot of work to do. He set up the city of Nippur, the "mission control center and communication center" that was defended with terrible weapons. Nippur was the place where the "words" were spoken (what would be other than commands, commandments): when "Enlil commanded this, the sky shone over the sky - like" a heavenly rocket. "The place where the gods rose to heaven, Sippar ("Cape Kennedy" Nefilov), under the command of the Eagle Chief, Shamasha.
In total, seven Nephilim sites were built before the Universal Dawn in Mesopotamia. The allocation of cities and facilities and their placement in the terrain configuration with Mount Ararat and the Euphrates and Tigris rivers was such that it was easy to orientate on pilots and astronauts.
Communication equipment was portable, in large suitcases, which had a built-in power source. One such device was later the "Covenants of the Covenants." In addition, they also used high antenna towers, which can be seen on many Sumerian images.
In the lowland of Mesopotamia, it was necessary to put artificial platforms on which it was possible to install equipment related to the universe. Texts and paintings indicate that their size ranged from small field huts to later stepped pyramidal buildings, which were able to climb stairs to the upper platform. On the top platform of such a building, which was oriented precisely on the sides of the sky, a dwelling place was built for the god and the place where his "bird" and "weapon" were installed. Today we would say - the ideal platform for helicopters!
Since the first visit of the Nephilim to the earth to the Flood, 120 sears or 432,000 years passed, in which ten rulers were replaced on Earth, according to Berossus.

About the worker and servant
One of the important motifs of the Nephilim for coming to Earth was gold and its related rare metals, e.g. platinum (with these metals, South Africa is rich), as well as radioactive ores, such as uranium or cobalt. Archaeologists and anthropologists have found evidence in southern Africa that mining technology has been in use for some 100,000 years BC. Soon after the establishment of the settlements on Earth, the number of Anunnaki rose to 600 - a few hundred received the ungrateful mining task.
Work in gold mines carried out by Anunnaki (these are "lower caste" Nefilov) was difficult and exhausting. For a long time, 40 sar, they have endured the efforts and torments of mining, and then there has been rebellion. When they thought about solving the problem, they came up with a very practical solution: what would have been to create an assistant, a servant who would take all the hard work and service to his masters? The gods unanimously supported the idea of ​​preparing a new "worker". Thus, the plan for the creation of Adam was created.

The status and purpose of this creature is clearly shown by the name given to him by Sumerians and Akadans: he was lulu amelu ("primitive worker"), avilum ("heavy"), then the servant of the gods. In ancient times, they were called by the following terms: Lord, King, Ruler. The relationship between gods and servants was clearly expressed. The old biblical man did not "worship" his god; He worked for him.
At that time of earthly history, there was a human being, a hominid (Homo), as a product of evolution, but this was inadequate and insufficiently intelligent for the purposes of the masters. They needed a strong, intelligent and obedient worker with enough imagination and understanding, who would have been skillful tools that would be entrusted to him. For such evolutionary evolutionary development, Homo would need another million years. The process of domestication, education and selection would require too much time, and Nepheli needed it immediately.
The development of the human being from Homo Erectus (upright man) to Homo Sapiens (a rational man) was so flashy that evolution could not explain it (seen in the category of millions of years needed for such a process). Also, evidence of earlier stages of development that would reflect a gradual change from Homo Erectus could not be found.
The drastic difference between hominids of the genus Homo and Homo Sapiens leads to the reflection that the latter is the product of an unexpected, revolutionary event. In an unexplained phenomenon, 300,000 years ago, a million years ago too early.

The Nephilim who came to earth to establish the colonies created a special form of slavery: not with slaves that would bring them from another world or continent, but to "primitive workers" who shaped it themselves. The rebellion of Anunnaki led to the "creation" of man.

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