About Adam, Eve and creators

Adam and gods
The creation of man is certainly one of the most interesting topics of interest to the thinking man. But in the Biblical explanations there is too much confusion and holes that man does not satisfy with them. Among the top five for humanity, the most interesting questions are definitely this: How was Adam really created? What is the connection between Eva and his rib? And who was the snake? Or the chronic question: what was the forbidden fruit that grew on the tree of knowledge?
As I wrote in the first two articles (The Story of Sumerians and Genesis in Brief), the Sumerian tiles leave no doubt: "gods" or the Nephilim needed a worker, a servant, and a slave to work in gold mines. It was necessary to create a creature that would handle this task. Adam's creation was about gene manipulation, with which the then man was given the "god" genetics and identity. Since crosses between animals and humans did not yield useful results, only this combination was reasonable. It was impossible to tell such a story millennia ago to a man. With today's intellectual level of a person, there is no problem with it.

 Sumerian tablets explain the life

  on Earth

In the past decades, genetic research has progressed so much that it was possible to analyze the genetic records of a larger number of Earth's. And there were interesting discoveries. It was found that all peoples came from one ancient Eve who lived in South Africa from 180,000 to 300,000 years ago. The Nobel prize went on to ask why there is only one type of genetic trait in all living beings: in the very very essence of all beings on Earth, the same DNA is composed of the same four nucleotides. And the second question: why are the chemical elements that are present in the environment only in insignificant quantities, while elements such as chrome or nickel in abundance play a negligible role in the development of biological life forms. Some researchers (Crick and Orgel) have thundered the public with the statement that the original organisms did not randomly appear on the planet, but were brought on Earth deliberately. Intelligent creatures from other planets sowed Earth on the "Seeds of Life". 
  Enki speaks

About Adam and the creators
The Sumerians accurately enumerated Adam's creation. The large pieces of texts were then summarized by their eminent writers, the creators of the Bible.
The word Adam does not refer to one specific person, but means "earthly"(inhabitant of the Earth), because "adamah" means "Earth". At the same time, the word "dam" means blood, that is, the name Adam, bloodthirsty, is a truly fortunate word.
In the Bible, Elohim said: "Let us create a man according to our image". Create? According to ours? Whom did God turn to, if he is unique, one single? And who were "they", according to which the outer and the spirit needed to create a man? How can God, who does not have a physical body, and no equal associates, declare something like that? Genesis does not explain this, but in the Sumerian origin there is no doubt: under the term God, the group of Nephilim should be understood. If God can not appear in the singular, it also appears later when Adam and Eve ate fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. Elohim issued a warning to some unnamed people: "Look, man has become one of us and knows good and evil." As I mentioned in the first part, the Jewish term Elohim, translated as "God", must be understood in the sense of "the deity"
The God of the ancient Jews could be seen face to face, you could hear him and talk to him. He had his head, his hull, his hands and his legs like people.
Sumerian records are not the only texts in which information about genetic manipulations for producing hybrids between humans and "gods" can be found. According to some texts that are not based on the sources that can be verified (Alex Collier's History), there were extraterrestrial races that have been working on Earth for such a result, a whole dozen. With the mass of human races found on Earth - red, white, black, yellow - such claims are probably not without foundation. But here we will limit ourselves to the Sumerian resources

Adam from the test glass
Let us return to the Sumerian records. To whom was the task of man's creation entrusted? To none other than the Nephilian "god" Enki, who was the first scientist and researcher, and his half-sister, mistress and co-worker, nurse Ninhursag (Ninti).

From the Sumerian tablets it is clear that, when the proposal was forwarded to him, Enki already knew how to carry out the task. He said that this (human being) already exists, it is only necessary to "set up a picture of God". And he gave precise instructions on where to look (in the vicinity of those mines in today's Zimbabwe).
The process of genetic manipulation is not revolutionary today. They took egg cells in a female specimen of human and genetic material (sperm and blood) of a male member of Anunnaki. With the proper genetic manipulation, the process of preparing the egg cell (gameta) was carried out (it could be said that Adam is the first "man from the test glass »!«), Where divine blood played an important role, and fertilized and genetically modified egg cells were needed in order to achieve the right result, implant into the uterus "the goddess of birth". She was none other than Ninta, the goddess of medicine, who thus became the first human mother.

 Enki in Ninti izvajata Genetski preiszkus


he development of a promising hybrid did not without fails; Ninti and Enki produced a number of defective, disfigured, sick and affected individuals. Adam was by no means the only type of hybrid that would be interesting for Nefilims as a suitable worker. The area of ​​genetic manipulation was especially interesting and diverse to Nefili and created a number of combinations. A type of animal-crossing experiment was long and had a gray beard; there were a whole cup of chimeras, animals with human parts, horses, bulls or lions with a human head (sphinx, Greek mythology, Egyptian statues and paintings ...), people with wings, more limbs, etc. to other less fortunate combinations. The images of these strange creatures in ancient depictions are by no means only an empty imagination, but rather of concrete beings and biological laboratories. Like all hybrids, they had (thank to God) all these exotic specimens the same defect: they could not have descendants.
The new Being, by Enki named Adapa and Bible named Adam, and our scholars Homo Sapiens. Already by the outside, it was much more similar to gods than monkeys, and it had a smooth body with no hair completely different from an infected human-monkey.
Adam was not created from nothing or from dust, but only with genetic manipulation, which caused a drastic leap (1-2 million years?) in the development of the human. As with the development of the Earth's environment, evolution also has a strong acceleration in the case of humans.
When it turned out that Adam was the proper creature, it was used as a gene model or "mold" for the preparation of replicas (clones), and these duplicates were not just men, but men and women. According to the Sumerian verses, in the first stage, seven men and seven female specimens are to be created.
With the help of the Sumerian texts, Sitchin, with a good knowledge of the Sumerian language, helps us to unravel the biblical riddle of the creation of Eve from Adam's rib. Many Sumerian words have several meanings, and so is the word TI, which means "rib", as well as "life". Thus, the name NIN.TI meant "the lord of life"; in the case of "Adam's rib", in fact, it was "Adam's life"; some ingredient of this. If we understand the matter in this context, it becomes completely logical: Eve's genetic material was created by modifying the genetic material of "Adam's life". Eve did not originate from Adam's rib, but from Adam's core.


A similar embarrassment as with Adam's rib occurs also in relation to the term "dust" or "clay", from which, according to the version in the Bible, Adam was created. Sitchin explains that this is also the case for the translation problem that arises because the Sumerian word "bos" - "bisa" - "besa" has several meanings namely "clay", "mud" and "egg". In the three of these meanings, the only meaning is "egg" or "human egg". The corrected claim would therefore be that Adam was made from an egg cells. It's completely logical, right? But does the term "human egg" mean something to humans before 2000 years of age?
Who created the soul?
Man is not only a physical body, but also a spiritual entity that we identify with the soul. That's why a careful reader arrives at a question that many people overlook: Did Adam's creators also create his soul?
podobnosti z Biblijo

The Hebrew term, usually translated as the "soul", is "nephesh," an irrepressible "spirit" that revives the living being and leaves the body at the moment of death. In the first five books of the Old Testament, a reminder is given of the pre-flooding of human blood and the consumption of the blood of animals, "for blood is nephesh." The biblical version of man's creation equates nephesh (ghost, soul) and blood. The souls watched by the Sumerians are not sufficiently explained. But it seems that the Sumerians believed that the divine soul was brought to the new body by blood, present in the genetic process.
From the realization that life (like energy) can not be created and that the soul as the original life-being chooses itself the proper body itself, it follows that the souls of the Nephilim could not be created. Life is not an entity that could be done with even complicated mechanical or genetic manipulation.
The idea that Adam's body was created from nothing is not true. If we are precise: what we perceive as the creation of Adam's body is only a correction of the appearance of the impostor, a drastic improvement in its properties, so that it became suitable for "more demanding souls".
An insane soul wants to experience physical sensations in the material world, so he enters the physical body he chooses. More developed souls choose more perfect bodies.

Eve's riddle and forbidden fruit
The Biblical name Eden is the word of Mesopotamian origin derived from the Akkadian "only" in the sense of the "valley". The Sumerian name for the residence of the gods, E.DIN, meant a "home of the righteous", which seems to be the corresponding description.
Only after the biblical God, like the gods in the Sumerian originals, created man, he planted the garden and assigned to man the role of his guardian. The Eden Garden was a botanical garden and a laboratory for the cultivation of vegetation and animal life, which was envisaged to expand all over the planet in the next phase.

Adam was not created just one. As with any serious experiment, several parallel copies were created - 7 were created, of course, of both sexes. For each of Adam and Eve, the same lawfulness was applied to all hybrids: were they infertile (perhaps even "functional" incomplete, though with the sexual organs?). From the Bible, we know that when they were still in paradise, they were without offspring. They differed from God by the level of intelligence and, above all, by the fact that they were not immortal. God set them one limitation: he forbade them to eat from the "tree of knowledge".
What was the "tree of knowledge" is a wrapped puzzle in which the interpreters tirelessly break their teeth. Attention is aroused by the fact that after the ingestion of the apples, they found out that they were naked and hid themselves. Knowledge therefore made them shame in showing their nudity, or more likely, showing their genitals. That the word "getting to know" in the Bible may be related to "sexual knowledge" is also apparent from the verses: "... and Adam met Eve (who had long been known to him) and gave birth to a son ...
So what really happened?
The "knowledge" that Adam and Eve received with "forbidden fruit" has enabled the acquisition of their own descendants - the continuation of the genus. Of course, this required sexual differentiation (at least "in the head", if not physiologically), which brought about the awareness of the different nature of your sex and, therefore, the shame. On the genetic level, however, this brought about the harmonization of genetic factors, that the fertilization was possible and that the fetus could have developed in the Evine body; "divine mothers" were no longer needed. Only by this became an autonomous being, capable of a natural way of life, including the provision of own descendants.

And not just this: with the "knowledge" that Eva received, she became more like "divine mothers". Thus, man became sexually compatible with "gods". Since then gods have been able to take human wives for their companions and have children with them. 
Old facts in a new light
When we unravel the riddle from the Eden's garden, the following biblical quotes are shown in a completely new light:
- in the background of the temptation of Adam and Eve, it was immortality, not in the sense of eternal life, but in the sense that it could have its own descendants (and eternal life through it); all the way to enjoying the forbidden fruit were unable to fertilize the offspring. If he did not achieve this immortality by this sin, it would be an absurd act, because even after him, they remained mortal.
- in Paradise Adam and Eve were not shy; understandably, only the "forbidden fruit" has enabled the awareness of one's own sexual difference.
- Eve was supposed to be pregnant. We accept this statement differently, if we know that it did not exist at all until then, since it did not have "knowledge" for it;
- Adam, after expulsion from paradise in the sweat of his face, would produce his own bread; if we think that it was not hard to survive in a laboratory environment (paradise), everything was after everything, when it was sent to the wider world and completely dependent on its abilities.
In the creation of Eve (when the rib was manipulated), it was not a complete preparation of the new being, but only for the first correction of the existing  Eve so that it could also become Adam's bridegroom. Eva also experienced another correction - after "ingestion of the forbidden fruit". Sitchin (v / 83 /) suggests that it was likely to eliminate the immune response - the rejection of Adam's sperm. With this, Eva received the ability to conceive with Adam and give birth to children. This ability was therefore the Bible knowledge that it received when acquiring "knowledge". With this, Adam, as Elohim put it, "became one of us". He gained the ability to reproduce and self-propagate, but he did not get something that many later human rulers sought to do: the longevity of Anunnaki. Nonetheless, Adam lived 930 years.
The secret of the snake
There is one more question left open: Who spoke with Eve? Who was the snake that seduced Eve? This must have been someone with enough knowledge to be able to "bite" gods; could this be any other than one of them? Sitchin again unraveled the riddle: in Hebrew, the term for snake, "nahash" also means "one who knows secrets". And so perhaps the translators (most probably consciously) have taken the path of concealing the true meaning of the term, which, however, was not hidden from those who knew the "key" (the true meaning of the word).

Let us think a little: who would have a greater interest than Enki, so that his superior creation - the man - could be assigned to the extent that he was capable of natural reproduction and the suffering of the "goddesses of life" from the Anunnaki species needed to be born? Sitchin explains that the snake that seduced Eve does not represent any other than Enki; The snake is a symbol that symbolizes secret knowledge. All this is a story that enabled the introduction of a new dramatic moment - the divine contradiction (good and bad "God", God and Satan), and cooperation with "the bad god" led to a drastic measure of expulsion from paradise.
The symbol of interlaced snakes on the strength resembles the DNA structure - this is a matter that is essential in one of the most important technologies of Nefili - genetic engineering. The fact that the snake has become a symbol of medicine and healing becomes understandable at the same time. Enki, as the chief scientist and engineer in the story of Adam, had secret knowledge. It's no wonder that they were given a name, which is often used on the iconography of the ancient nations. Snake symbolizes secret knowledge in the hands of the ruling. 
It's also interesting to read Adam's book, which is not recognized by the Vatican among the official books that make up the Bible. It was found in Ethiopia a hundred years ago and describes in detail the first days of Adam, the expulsion from paradise and his flogging and suicide, and the devil's temptations .... if you do not take everything literally, but imagine how to write something that does not know the technology and science, I could not write anything other than in this book, if we understand it, we can imagine a completely different story 
It turned out that people are very productive creatures and have rapidly multiplied to the point that they became dangerous to masters. It was also unfortunate that they did not behave just as the masters imagined - their sexual habits were such that something had to be done. The Nefiles initially tried to solve the problems locally, by destroying certain places (such as Sodom and Gomorrah), but there was no end to the problem. Therefore, they decided to allow the destruction of the entire population. This unhappy work was done by nature itself - the return of the planet Nibiru caused real destruction on Earth and triggered a gigantic tidal wave that filled the lower parts of the land and transformed the earth's surface. The event that happened before approx. 13500 years ago, it was written as a "flood" in the Bible.

The vow of confidentiality was also bound by the "father" Adama, Enki, but this one - obviously very attached to his creation, spoke "with himself" behind the screen, and indirectly Noah hinted at what was being prepared and how to solve what was resolved to. Noah started to build the boat, which was probably not a regular ship, but a submarine. It is also questionable whether the pair of individual animals and plants actually entered the ship, or it was only for the seed and cell banks; in this case, a completely different Assyrian assistance was needed. Today, we have a world of "gene" banks around the world, for example, for an apocalypse, and the largest and most famous is in the middle of an ice desert on the Norwegian Svalbard archipelago, which is the northernmost continental land where regular airplanes are still running, in a rock and eternal ice, and the most important collection of plant seeds in the world. A collection that we will use only when something goes wrong with humanity.

 Seed Bank in Norway

When the spacecraft of the Nephilim who fled from the catastrophe caused torment at take-off, this was a sign that Noah had to close the door and prepare for sailing. Even the Nephilim were in great distress when observing wild water flooding water from the spacecraft for 150 days, which were rising and then descending. The floods destroyed tens of thousands of years of their work and did not know that Enki acted contrary to the instructions, they expected that all work would have to be done again. How happy they were when they saw that a handful of people and animals landed after landing the waters! They recognized that Enki acted wisely, otherwise their existence would be compromised; survivors represented not only the necessary work force but also food. 
Development of human societies
They were no longer wasting their time. In the higher lying areas, where the water was withdrawn the fastest, they began with intensive farming and livestock farming, and then gradually moved to the lowlands. They taught people everything they needed for the rapid development of society and gave them many advanced civilizational acquisitions. With the natural development cycle of the society, people would need ten thousand years to reach the civilization level with which they started. Thus, overnight, the first places grew, and Babylon was one of the most advanced.
In all places, the leaders were occupied by the Nephilim, who were honored as local gods. Upon their intelligence and capability, their exalted position enabled them to keep all the lords of society, collecting sacrifices to the gods and molding the life of society to their degree. Knowledge was preserved in the circles of priests, and the leading positions were eventually extended to the mixed (from the unions of the Nephilim with the earthly women), which were better accepted among the people.
Such mixed royalties played a very important role throughout history. The royal blood was only justified to occupy the highest position in society, and the succession of power through descendants was a fixed principle that has been preserved for thousands of years or is still preserved in kings today. From what tendency for the royal blood to occupy the most important positions, it is thus easier to understand.
Throughout the millennia, human society has progressed and the methods of governance that were initially discovered have led to more frequent conflicts with the suspects, so they have increasingly escaped into the background and dragged more and more from the background with increasingly sophisticated methods. Such a policy, in the background of which they are still the same elite, is present until today.
Great efforts were made to make people not realize their true origin and their potentials, as the elite in the background could be seriously delusional. For people to remain ignorant and blinded, psychic tools were developed - religions that undermine the mentality of man and prevent him from intellectual and spiritual development. Everything that creates disputes between human societies is welcome, as it is the easiest to control the "delights and reigns" of the crowd. The intense indoctrination and fear-of-minding have gained incredible proportions. The modern man is becoming more and more frightened, split and ignorant. But every song is finally emanating. 
People with blood group A NEGATIVE MIGHT BE extraterrestrials: In the blood they have no  D-antigen 

The theory assumes that a negative blood group could come from another world. Some say that it may be the fallen angels from heaven or the type of extraterrestrial beings. It's about having a negative blood group of 15 percent of people who can donate their blood to all other blood types. They can only receive their own blood type. Most live in northern Europe.

These people are characterized by having a higher intelligence quotient than average, lower body temperature, higher emotional and psychological awareness, are less sensitive to pain and have blue, green or hazel eyes. A mother with a negative blood type will find it difficult to bring a child with a positive blood type as if their body is defending naturally and trying to kill the fetus. Therefore, they give them a specific immunoglobulin Anti-D or RHo (D).

The question of why the mother's body is trying to kill a new life has led to a new theory that a negative blood type was influenced by foreign, extra-marital life. What is even more strange is that almost all people who are supposed to have contacts with extraterrestrial beings have a negative blood type.
So it is very possible that the alien beings visited our planet and somehow left us with our genetic material. After all, there are some documentation about space visits. 

closing word - conclusion
The story that draws us through the Sumerian texts is surprisingly solid, logical and understandable. Many of the questions on which science (seemingly) broke their teeth, clear the details, which seem to be unconnected and pointless, are clarified at the moment. When we look at this story with modern technological knowledge, we can find out that it might soon be repeated, with the difference that we would appear as "gods" on another planet.
But since truth can not be taken from one angle only, the "Sumerian truths" should not be taken for dry gold. The view on the whole, which is being removed from it, is indeed much better than it has been so far, but still it is defective to the cities. In order to clarify the remaining gray spots we need additional information that can be extracted by comparing different sources.
A few questions that remain unanswered (I admit that I have not yet read all of his books) opens up to the attention reader of Sitchin's books. The question of other human races remains (the red, black and yellow races). It is understandable that the Nephilim had no interest in involving the information about competitors in the story - other creatures with which they competed and fought for domination. This gave the impression that there was no competition at all. But this is very far from the truth. From other sources (The History of the Galaxy, Osmanagich, Tsarion, Veda, Mayi), we find that there are a dozen different species of extraterrestrial beings on Earth, with the Anunnaki being one of the most advanced branches of a foreign race. At other parts of the world, parallel historical stories with other "gods" took place, whereby they "walked together" to one another. In such mutual struggles - wars - it is understandable that he draws the paradise shortly, which is a necessary cannonball in battles for overpowering.
  Illuminati, true leaders of the world

To the attention reader, another question is raised, which, as far as I know, Sitchin does not sufficiently clarify: the question of Satan. We have seen that in the role of the snake, which should be seduced by Eva, Enki suddenly appeared and thus proved the opposition to the will of most "gods". It is clear from the Sumerian texts that among the brothers Enki and Enlil, the firstborn of Anu, the rivalries and contradictions continued, which also continued in their descendants (Marduk, son of Enki, he finally came out as the winner who afforded to forgive - rearrange some historical records). There are clues that the polarization and division into "liberals progressives", which in the expansionist politics afforded a lot of freedom, and "cautious radicals", who were scared of the danger of the newly created race and its threats, have appeared in the gods of gods. It is probable that the initiative for the destruction of humanity on the occasion of the flood, as well as other "hard" initiatives, which were dislocated to humanity, probably came from the latter. Perhaps "Satan" is the highest representative of this group.
Let's not forget - Satan was the best angel in the beginning, later he turned away from God ... .. Very well-known - similar ... .Enki, the best Anunnaki who broke the orders of Enlil ... ...
It is understandable that science can not confirm the reality of Sumerian claims. This would be a recognition that people are hybrids, hybrids with highly intelligent aliens; the latter mangled the history of mankind from the first moment on the planet. As science is, like other levers of power and power, the media, educational systems, etc., in the hands of these (by the source of extraterrestrial) elites, this would mean their self-disclosure.

Various conspiratorial stories, which are being driven as mushrooms after rain, are deliciously included in the emerging mosaic. Who else would have a greater interest on the world over the world than those who created man? Anunnaki, Nepefili, Elohimi, Illuminati and members of the Royal Dynasties (spoken of, for example, by David Icke) - these are different names of members of the same elite (former gods) who are the main actors on the world stage. Today, their executive organs are known as the Freemasons, Jesuits, Masons, Illuminati, members of the sects, for example, Skul & Bones, Rothschilds, Bilderbergers, The Committee of the Three ... If you have taken your hands off by mentioning their names so far, think again.

Their policy in the background of global global developments, followed by virtually all governments, is transparent: it is about keeping the masses in fear, reducing the population's abundance, inhibiting human spiritual development, destroying the environment, etc. Everything that brings to humanity's displeasure is welcome, as it has to direct its efforts to its own survival. The more they are employed by hunting their own tail, the more the authorities are safe and easier to implement their plans. They are not afraid of the fate of the planet, because they are safe. Their goal is written on a dollar note: one world state, one world order, with full control of humanity. By the same mechanisms, the story has been going on for millennia and would continue to continue, when cosmic events would not come close to the end of the cycle, which brings with it unswept changes. Those who are able to think with their own head are nevertheless awakening ...

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