The ruler of Earth is EN.KI

The ruler of Earth is EN.KI
From the Past..
The following images and photos, paintings, show circles, with spokes, representing each time NI.BIRU has visited the Earth; the red spheres above the heads of the Deities (A’aferti –Pharaoh) represents NI.BIRU in this Solar System,

the following images is showing an astrological map of NI.BIRU’s elliptical orbit around the Sun.

If you observe the map carefully you’ll see several lines flowing through the map as if it depicts an orbit around a particular egg-shaped form, this egg-shaped form is NI.BIRU.
The three stars from SAHU (Orion’s belt) are drawn next to and inside this egg shaped form, NI.BIRU coming from SAHU is 3600years (1 Shar), 2-3days in their time, FROM SAHU ONLY, many other, different elliptical orbits, longer or shorter, these lines connect stars within the map, pointing in the universe to where NI.BIRU has visited, we are
a BINARY solar system. If you notice the red spheres are different in size, these are different elliptical orbits of NI.BIRU which would make is appear in varying sizes when viewing from Gi (Earth).
Among the Anunnaki, “those beings that ANU sent down from heaven (NI.BIRU) to Earth“
There were other beings like, ANU.TU, “ANU’s Beings” ANU asked for some to go down and support EN.KI, AND EN.LIL while they mined the gold (Zahab)
Some of the ANU.TU are incarnated on the Earth become A’aferti means “the Choice” they are known as the ANUNNAKI, and also the Neteraat, they are solely responsible for our existence.
ANU.TU is the term that was used before coming to Gi, Gi as we know is a term for the planet Earth, from which we Gaia, Geography, Geometry, even God.
ANUN.NA.GI spelt this way is a council, when some of the Anunnaki come to Earth also; they too have the new title, ANUNNAKI.
Neteraat means “Supreme Beings, guardians”
They were supposed to deliver the processed gold (Zahab) to spaceships that would be stored on the dark side of the Moon (KIN.GU or SHES.KI) and LAH.MU (Mars).
This is where they constructed and loaded the 30-mile-long cylinder shaped crafts called SHAMS; they used 
LAH.MU (Mars) to assemble crafts to launch.

  KIN.GU and Gi
These extra-terra-astral (extra-terrestrial) are aboard the mother ship (planet) NI.BIRU
The Anunnaki on Earth, descriptions are dark, brown skinned, supreme 9 ether hair texture or what we’d call “kinky” or “kingly” hair, which is exactly what the Sumerian reliefs show us…
They look like humans with a few exceptions, such as their eyes, exceptionally larger than that of humans and head shape, they are of such and advanced state, far beyond us.
 Anunnaki and Sumerian tablets
The ruler of Earth is EN.KI.
NI.BIRU has a crystal dome giving it the ability to break down light, it has solar panels that are the size of pin’s heads or less than that and can generate millions and millions of watts of energy, NI.BIRU was set up for holographic inter dimensional transport and manned over 144,000 crew members headed by 24 elite beings, elders the very elite among the ANUNNAKI are called the DINNEER, the etheric, beings advised through the IGIGI, were acting as intermediaries between Earth and NI.BIRU,  of their home planet called Rizq, 12 agreeable and 12 disagreeable,
Sumerians called them ANU.TU, also referred to has the Neteraat.
They came here millions+ of years back, before we are recorded, but they were here, for the Earth was without form, if it wasn’t for two of them with the idea and many, to refine us, we would not be here.
NI.BIRU is a craft.
First we need to understand the word NI.BIRU, it’s from the ancient Sumerians as found in the Chaldean, Accadian, Aramaic and Ashuric as Nabara, “to raise, to elevate, to go up”
Also known by;  Planet of the Crossing, Planet X, Red Dwarf, NI.BIRU, Blue Kachina, Red Kachina, Nabara, Hercolubus, Nemesis, the Destroyer (yes destroyer of the negative, the disagreeable)
Also Merkabah meaning “the movable throne” (they have the power to start life and end life)
Yes there are many names of the same “source” reflecting the different time periods, different interpretations from the different cultures and civilizations that recorded and interacted with the supreme beings.
The craft NI.BIRU is a cube that whence, is in motion revolves and rotates, and creates an orb, giving the impression of a globe or planet structure, but is cubed.
There are more than one, many crafts that elevate and 
travel inter-galactically, from star station to star station.
Bible and Qur’an reference points..
Many different shapes and sizes of Nibiru's (Revelation 21:16-17) the smaller ones come into this planet’s atmosphere as shams (Genesis 6:4) or Megillah (Zechariah 5:1-2) or Ammuwd (Exodus 13:21) others are mentioned in Ezekiel 1:16 as Ofawn and Qur’an chapter 17 as Buraaq.
All these are symbolic names in the Bible to describe what wasn’t understood back then in those days of their sightings, today men attempt to be more intelligent and simply say UFO, abbreviating unidentified flying objects.
NI.BIRU is a craft, many crafts that come in and out, and those too large to enter this small Earth’s environment, because the declared intellectuals of this planet have no spiritual or physical attachments to the beings that man the many crafts to them, they are UFO.
NI.BIRU is featured in all the main cultures of our past, recorded, NI.BIRU will press “calibrate” they will replenish the Earth, restore the Earth and all those that dwell in and on the Earth, including us, we are secondary, not primary.
NI.BIRU has been here many a time, recorded, what’s interesting is that the last visit is recorded.
The return date is upon us…NI.BIRU is real in the field.

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