Mysterious messages - warnings - what awaits us?

Mysterious messages - warnings - what awaits us?
Russian scientist Viktorija Popova is supposed to get her important research message in symbols in the field and ancient records of the Aliens.
The scientific team with Victoria Popova is convinced that the only extraterrestrial civilizations can give us a way out of the cataclysm that, after their threat to the Earth. After 15 years of research, they have found out that Earth has reached the last stage in the development of organic life and human consciousness, and that a significant weakening of the Earth's magnetic field will lead to a disaster.
During their long research, they found an analogue and digital key to understand symbols in fields and other extraterrestrial matters, such as Stonehenge, the ancient buildings of the Aztecs and Inca, and the civilization that inhabited the Easter Island.
These ancient symbols provide basic information on the development of human consciousness, while modern symbols should give precise instructions and warnings about the upcoming disasters. The scientific team says that the work was severely hampered by many fake crop circles that occasionally appear.

The Russian scientific team is convinced that we are at risk of collapse.
After decoding hundreds of old and new symbols scattered across all parts of the Earth, these scientists came to the conclusion that the Aliens remind us of three catastrophes that are supposed to occur before a great cataclysm before which they could be resolved, if we would recognize it in time. And right here things get complicated. The secret of the solution is in collective human consciousness, which must unite in the recognition of the coming disaster and develop, raise. "The individual is no longer, there is only a collective solution," says Victoria.
As said, our demise is supposed to announce three minor disasters that should be warned and prepared by humanity. The first of them is expected to cause a global breakdown of communications, which is due to the devastating earthquake in Peru, followed by devastating tsunami in the US. South America, New Zealand and Australia also felt the consequences.

 Rezultat iskanja slik za crop circles

The scientific team says that the next two disaster scientists will be much stronger, but they are part of the natural process of the planet's development. Part of the development is also the evolution of human consciousness, which at that time will have an exceptional opportunity to transform into a higher form of existence. The window for the redeeming jump will only be opened shortly after the first major catastrophe, because there will be no more alive people on the second and third Earth on Earth to meet the mechanical conditions of transition to a higher degree of consciousness, scientists explain. However, if human consciousness is successfully consolidated, the future with highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations, which are closely related with consciousness, is expected to come to us, the Russian scientific team claims.

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