Novi supervolcan raste pod Massachusettsom, Vermontom in New Hampshirom

 Novi supervolcan raste pod Massachusettsom, Vermontom in New Hampshirom

Google Earth View prikazuje Vermont, New Hampshire in Massachusetts, pod katerim je bil odkrit nepričakovano veliko jezero staljene magme. (Slika: Google Earth)
Nekaj nepričakovanega so geologi ZDA spoznali postopoma. Ogromna masa staljene kamnine lebdi pod severovzhodnimi državami.
"Nadgradnja, ki smo jo zaznali, je kot balon vročega zraka in sklepamo, da nekaj raste v globljem delu našega planeta v Novi Angliji," pravi geofizik na Rutgers University, profesor Vadim Levin.
Sledovi ogromne mase so postali očitni šele ob obsežni novi seizmični študiji.
Zamisel o tem, da bi lahko prišlo do rasti super vulkana v Massachusettsu, Vermontu in New Hampshiru, je povtročilo nekaj presenečenja.
"Naša študija izziva uveljavljeno idejo o tem, kako se obnašajo kontinenti, na katerih živimo," pravi profesor Levin. "Izziva koncepte učbenikov, ki jih poučujejo uvodni razredi geologije."
Regija je geološko stabilna. Ni aktivnih vulkanov.
Zato mora biti množičen nastanek magme relativno nov dogodek.
Toda v časovnem obdobju zemeljskih geoloških procesov to še vedno pomeni več deset milijonov let.
"Verjetno bo trajalo milijone let, da bi približali vedenju kaj in kje se dogaja," pojasnjuje profesor Levin. "Naslednji korak je poskusiti razumeti, kako se to dejansko dogaja."
Nekaj čudnega je že bilo omenjeno v regiji. Nekje spodaj je anomalija, nekaj sto stopinj Celzija bolj vroča od okolice.
Nova študija je pomagala ugotoviti, da je stalen balon magme s središčem pod Vermontom, in sicer v predelih zahodnega New Hampshireja in zahodnega Massachusetesa.
"To ni Yellowstone, ampak je njegov dalnji sorodnik," pravi profesor Levin.
Glede na to, ali je ali ni, bo mehurček sčasoma prispel na površino, xo tedaj je neznanka.
"Mogoče še nima časa, ali pa je premajhen in mu nikoli ne bo uspelo," je profesor Levin povedal za National Geographic.
"Vrnimo se čez 50 milijonov let, in videli bomo, kaj se bo zgodilo."
Ta zgodba je bila prvotno objavljena v

A new supervolcano is brewing under Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire

A new supervolcano is brewing under Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire

A Google Earth view showing Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts, under which an unexpected large blob of molten magma has been detected. (Credit: Google Earth,
Something unexpected has been gradually making itself known to geologists in the United States. A huge mass of molten rock is creeping upwards beneath the nation’s north eastern states.
“The upwelling we detected is like a hot-air balloon, and we infer that something is rising up through the deeper part of our planet under New England,” says Rutgers University geophysicist Professor Vadim Levin.
Traces of the brooding mass only became evident through a large-scale new seismic study.
The idea that there may be a super volcano brewing under Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire is something of a surprise.
“Our study challenges the established notion of how the continents on which we live behave,” Professor Levin says. “It challenges the textbook concepts taught in introductory geology classes.”
The region is geologically stable. There are no active volcanoes.
So the massive magma build-up must be a relatively recent event.
But, in the timescale of Earth’s geological processes, this still means tens of millions of years. 
“It will likely take millions of years for the upwelling to get where it’s going,” Professor Levin explains. “The next step is to try to understand how exactly it’s happening.”
Something strange had been noted about the region earlier. Somewhere down there was an anomaly hundreds of degrees Celsius hotter than its surroundings.
The new study has helped identify the molten blob as being centred under Vermont, with parts of western New Hampshire and western Massachusets also within its embrace.
“It is not Yellowstone-like, but it’s a distant relative,” Professor Levin says.
As to whether-or-not the magma bubble will eventually eek its way to the surface is unknown.
“Maybe it didn’t have time yet, or maybe it is too small and will never make it,” Professor Levin told National Geographic.
“Come back in 50 million years, and we’ll see what happens.”
This story originally appeared in

Sooner or later we meet on the other side

Sooner or later we meet on the other side
To progress in your spiritual journey, you need to forget at least two things, but that's not all. There are also two things that you must remember.
Forget it
1. Forget all the bad things that anyone has done to you at any time or you done to them. It all depends on how much we are willing to forgive, for in this way God will forgive us. Forgiveness is a great virtue.
Forget good and bad deeds.
2. Everything you've ever done to somebody. If we constantly remember our good works, we become too proud, which can spoil everything. We should feel like an instrument that merely transmits what the highest source wants to pass through us.


1. Death can occur at any time. Regardless of whether we are a mere common thief who is lying on the ground, or the president of the most powerful country in the world, we will sooner or later die. And death usually goes unannounced.

2. Since death can visit us at any time, we must always remember that we are the divine being through which "His mercy" flows.