Those of royal blood

The Annunaki “Those Of Royal Blood” are believed to be immortal gods that inhabited the earth during the ancient sumerian time in mesopotamia.
The Sumerian civilisation developed on the Persian Gulf, growing to strength at around 4 – 3,000 B.C. The ‘Plain of the Land of Shinar’ is the territory which after 2,000 B.C. became called Babylon. The Greeks named the region Mesopotamia (The land between two rivers), most of which lies in the modern state of Iraq.
The first recorded civilization of mankind and they were advanced with currency, astronomy and farming.
Annunaki History
The exact origins of the Sumerians are unknown.
They entered Mesopotamia around 4,000 B.C.

The original homeland of the Sumerians is also unknown.
It is believed that they came from the east, but whether by sea or from the highlands is unknown.
We know that they are not local people because their language belongs to an isolated language group.

During the 5th millennium B.C. a people known as the Ubaidians established settlements in the region later known as Sumer (Mesopotamia). It has been noticed that there are very clear similarities between the Ubaid artwork, and that of of ‘Old Europe’ Vinca Culture which flourished c. 6,000 – 3,500 BC.
At around 3,250 BC, another people migrated from its homeland, located probably northeast of Mesopotamia, and began to intermarry with the native population. The newcomers, who became known as Sumerians, spoke an agglutinative language unrelated apparently to any other known language.
By 3,100 B.C. the population of Sumer had increased to the point where people were living in cities.
The first Sumerian ruler of historical record, Etana, king of Kish (flourished about 2,800 BC), was described in a document written centuries later as the “man who stabilized all the lands.” The early dynastic period of Sumer covers the part of the third millennium from 2,800 to 2,400 BC, and ends with the conquest of Sumer by a Semitic king of the north, Sargon I of Akkad.
After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. In Eridug, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28,800 years.

Alaljar ruled for 36,000 years. 2 kings; they ruled for 64,800 years.
Then Eridug fell and the kingship was taken to Bad-tibira.
In Bad-tibira, En-men-lu-ana ruled for 43,200 years. En-men-gal-ana ruled for 28,800 years. Dumuzid, the shepherd, ruled for 36,000 years. 3 kings; they ruled for 108,000 years.Then Bad-tibira fell and the kingship was taken to Larag. In Larag, En-sipad-zid-ana ruled for 28,800 years. 1 king; he ruled for 28,800 years.
Then Larag fell and the kingship was taken to Zimbir. In Zimbir, En-men-dur-ana became king; he ruled for 21,000 years. 1 king; he ruled for 21,000 years.
Then Zimbir fell and the kingship was taken to Curuppag. In Curuppag, Ubara-Tutu became king; he ruled for 18,600 years. 1 king; he ruled for 18,600 years. In 5 cities 8 kings; they ruled for 241,200 years.
Then the flood swept over.

The Sumerians are amongst the first people to leave sophisticated records of their astronomical observations.
Their fascination with the heavens is apparent in the large number of seals and cuneiform tablets unearthed of an astronomical nature. The Sumerians were the first to divide both space and time by units of six. The modern division of the year into 12 months, the 24 hours of each day, the division of hours into 60 minutes and 60 seconds, and the divisions of the circle/sphere by 360 degrees, each composed of 60 minutes and 60 seconds of an arc, are all Sumerian developments.
This same division by units of six has been observed at several of prominent British megaliths.

The Sumerians were also aware of the importance of Pleiades, showing it in several seals and images.
In addition to being thought of as the seven great gods gathered together, the morning setting of Pleiades was used to mark the beginning and end of the agricultural year. This cylinder seal (VA/243 -State Museum, East Berlin), shows a ‘star’ with several (eleven) planets surrounding it. However, as there are no known records of the Sumerians having knowledge of any more than five planets in our solar-system the jury’s out over what it represents.
These beings were not from this world and had a special bloodline.
The Nephilim, offspring from the Annunaki and human beings, were on the earth in those days.
“The Nephilim were on the earth in those days- and also afterward – when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heros of old, men of renown.” -. Genesis 6:4
Zecharia Sitchin believes that the Annunaki genetically engineered modern day humans by crossbreeding with homo erectus. They did this to use humans as a slave race in order to mine gold from the earth.

According to Sitchin’s interpretation of Sumerian cosmology, there is a hypothetical planet which follows a long, elliptical orbit, reaching the inner solar system roughly every 3,600 years.
This planet is called Nibiru (the planet associated with Marduk in Babylonian cosmology).

Nibiru collided catastrophically with Tiamat, another hypothetical planet that was between Mars and Jupiter.
The collision formed the planet Earth, the asteroid belt, and the comets.
Tiamat, as outlined in the Enûma Elish, is a goddess. According to Sitchin, however, Tiamat may have been what we now know as Earth. When struck by one of planet Nibiru’s moons, Tiamat split in two.

On a second pass Nibiru itself struck the broken fragments and one half of Tiamat became the asteroid belt. The second half, struck again by one of Nibiru’s moons, was pushed into a new orbit and became today’s planet Earth. This scenario is scientifically disputed.
However, Sitchin’s supporters maintain it would explain Earth’s peculiar early geography due to cleaving from the celestial collision—i.e. solid continents on one side and a giant ocean on the other —and would also explain why the Earth is layered in sediments.
According to Sitchin, Nibiru was the home of a technologically advanced human-like extraterrestrial race (called the Anunnaki in Sumerian myth) who were called the Nephilim in the Bible.

He claims they first arrived on Earth probably 450,000 years ago, looking for minerals, especially gold, which they found and mined in Africa. These “gods” of the Anunnaki were the rank and file workers of the colonial expedition to earth from planet Nibiru.
Are Humans A Genetically Engineered Slave Race?

Sitchin believes the Anunnaki genetically engineered Homo sapiens as slave creatures to work their gold mines by crossing extraterrestrial genes with those of the Homo erectus.

Sitchin claims ancient inscriptions report that human civilization in Sumer of Mesopotamia was set up under the guidance of these “gods”, and human kingship was inaugurated to serve as an intermediary between the Anunnaki and mankind. Sitchin believes that fallout from nuclear weapons used during a war between factions of the extraterrestrials is the “evil wind” that destroyed Ur around 2000 BC (Sitchin himself claims the exact year is 2024 BC), as recorded in the Lament for Ur.
Sitchin claims that his research coincides with many biblical texts, and that the biblical texts come originally from the Sumerian writings of their history.

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